Akkermansia muciniphila, the obesity-detering gut-bacteria that could

Akkermansia muciniphila, the obesity-detering gut-bacteria that could

There is interesting new research out about a bacteria that resides in the gut called, Akkermansia muciniphila.  Apparently, its plentifully found in thin people, but it is M.I.A. in obese folks.  Scientist have been able to introduce this little friend into the stomach of obese mice, and it cut their excess weight in half without any other changes. 

There’s a BBC story about this research, too.  You can find it here.

Of course, I’m not looking for these miracles to cure my own weight issues, but hopefully science is getting better at understanding how humans can have different biochemistry barriers and helpers towards good health. 

A Lost Continent

A friend of mine loves recounting a story of his early education in Southern Arkansas.  As the classroom stared at a map of the Earth, he raised his hand to remark, “Those continents look like they fit together.”  His observation was met with an “oh you foolish child” response.

I love this news story even if the delivery is choppy.  Was there once a continent between Africa and South America?  Sounds plausible to me.